Take a deep breath. How did that feel?Did it "quench your need" for oxygen? Or do you need another gulp?A breath is our most basic movement and our foundation f...
Robin Williams / Remember the "I can do a great impression of a hot dog" scene from Mrs. Doubtfire?! . Double Chins are cool, you guys! . If you're strugglin...
This is a simple little movement that you can do anywhere to gain some Thoracic Extension after that long drive to Grandma's house. . Things to keep in mind:...
We’re learning about Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS) errybody. UCS is a postural condition that results from these dominating positions: anterior head carriage, rounded shoulders, slumped back, etc. & we all know where it comes from! Check out this video to learn more about the specific muscular imbalances in UCS, and how to counteract them.
Watch the series of postural videos in this playlist to help address some of the most common issues that we see from those who sit all day. Whether you suffer from upper back and neck tightness, headaches, or all out pain and stiffness - it can be stemming from your posture throughout the day!
If I say the word "posture" my patients immediately sit up as straight as they can. However, most of that extension is coming from the lumbar hyperlordosis and not from the T spine. As a society we NEED more extension in our thoracic spine in order to not make that "good posture" feel like it's forced.
Do you sit all day? Do you have "bad posture?" Here's a quick way that you can actually exercise while you sit! Training your core to hold you down so that your low back doesn't have to is key to preventing and helping low back pain during or after sitting for long periods of time.
We get it, your shoulders are tight and achy. Whether it is pain or lack of Range of Motion - these exercises are here to help you! Our goal here at Minnesota Movement is to find out WHY you have shoulder issues and address that (the underlying cause) so we can truly get you feeling better faster and keep you there longer.
Same but Different / It's all about feelings! . No, I'm not talking about your daddy issues kind of feelings. I mean, where do you feel it?! . Brugger's Reli...
Layers / If we ignore the underlying cause of an issue and jump right to big sexy exercises, we could possibly be layering strength on top of a dysfunction. ...
The cue of "pinch your shoulders down and back" is decent for addressing common postural faults.. but not an ending point if there's also scapular tilting. ....
Of the billions of scapular exercises, this is one that takes very little (zero) equipment and when done with QUALITY movement can cue for much better tilting of the shoulder blade through overhead movements. . Watch the video as you do this one.
Brugger's Relief Position is something that EVERYONE who sits at a desk too long can utilize. By retracting and depressing your scapulae, you put your shoulder at a more advantageous position to move better! Oh, and no more sore achy upper traps too! Grab a band and put it on your desk.
Get those shoulder blades down and back! It's important with these Y's and T's that you are NOT feeling like you're shrugging your shoulder up to your ear. The muscles that we're focusing on should be retracting and depressing that scapula. Record yourself or have someone watch to make sure you're doing it properly!